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Robert Burns

Study cites ‘dangerous weak link’ in nuke security

The study by the Nuclear Threat Initiative said Mexico, Sweden, Ukraine, Vietnam, Austria, the Czech Republic and Hungary have removed all or most of the weapons-usable nuclear materials on ...

Nuke troubles run deep

WASHINGTON – Trouble inside the Air Force’s nuclear missile force runs deeper and wider than officials have let on. An unpublished study for the Air Force, obtained by The Associa...

Hagel blasts states on same-sex benefits policy

WASHINGTON – Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel on Thursday sharply criticized U.S. states that are defying the Pentagon by refusing to allow National Guard facilities to issue ID cards that enab...

Problems growing at U.S. missile force

WASHINGTON – Twice this year alone, Air Force officers entrusted with the launch keys to nuclear-tipped missiles have been caught leaving open a blast door that is intended to help prevent a...

Air Force removes ICBM general

WASHINGTON – The Air Force said Friday it fired the two-star general in charge of its nuclear missiles in response to an investigation into alleged personal misbehavior. It was the second sa...

U.S. nuclear forces officer loses job

WASHINGTON – The deputy commander of U.S. nuclear forces, Vice Adm. Tim Giardina, was notified Wednesday that he has been relieved of duty amid a military investigation of allegations that h...

Pentagon: Most furloughed civilians ordered back

WASHINGTON – The Pentagon is ordering most of its approximately 400,000 furloughed civilian employees back to work. The decision by Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel is based on a Pen...

U.S.: Taliban attack could have been foreseen

The U.S. Central Command investigation’s conclusions led the top Marine, Gen. James Amos, to announce on Monday that he had forced two senior Marine generals to retire early. Amos held Maj. ...

Generals forced out over Afghani breach

WASHINGTON – In a rare move, the top Marine on Monday forced two generals into retirement after concluding they should be held to account for failing to secure a base in Afghanistan against ...

Nuclear missile force fails key security test

WASHINGTON – An Air Force unit that operates one-third of the nation’s land-based nuclear missiles has failed a safety and security inspection, marking the second major setback this year for...

Nuke missile crews cite poor morale

WASHINGTON – Officers with a finger on the trigger of the Air Force’s most powerful nuclear missiles are complaining of a wide array of morale-sapping pressures, according to internal emails...

Commander cites ‘rot’ in nuke force

WASHINGTON – Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel demanded more information Wednesday after the Air Force removed 17 launch officers from duty at a nuclear missile base in North Dakota for what a c...